Azmyth News
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Freestyle Songwriting and Engineering Group Lab
This weeks Lab involved students getting together and writing a song from scratch while learning song structure and chord progressions as well as engineering the song on the fly.
Student Ryan O. mixing a @devongolder @the_official_sjc track during his protools lesson.
Audio Engineering Society
We were privileged to host The Audio Engineering Society’s Central Indiana Section at Azmyth Recording Studios. We had a great time talking about the studio’s history, gear, Azmyth School of Music Technology and most important all the great things happening with AES....
Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg Stops by Azmyth Recording and ASMT Student Carey Goodspeed gets a chance to track the session.
Rode Workshop
Free Workshop - Watch Live from the Studio control room as we Record the Warrior Kings. Register to Attend by going to;
Gear Fest
@sweetwatersound #GearFest come by and see us. We are located in AcousticGtrs/EDU tent near entrance. #audioschool (at Sweater Sound)
Bizzy Bone
Bizzy Bone drops by Azmyth Recording and visits with Students of Azmyth School of Music Technology.
Jadakiss & The Lox
ASMT student Jay H. assisted mentor Travis Moore while he tracked Jadakiss and legendary group The Lox today at the studio. #jadakiss #stylesp #sheeklouch #audioschool #azmythmusictech #student #students (at Azmyth School of Music Technology)